Martin Srnec
Martin Srnec Research Group
Martin Srnec

Martin Srnec
Martin Srnec

Martin Srnec - Curriculum Vitae

Name: Martin Srnec
Date of birth: November 17, 1980
Nationality: Czech
Office address: J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, AS CR, v.v.i.

Applied quantum chemistry, theoretical bioinorganic chemistry and electrochemistry, metalloenzymatic and inorganic catalysis, C-H bond activation, good knowledge of quantum chemical programs (TURBOMOLE, Gaussian, Molpro, MOLCAS, ORCA, NWChem), QM/MM approaches, experience with bioinorganic spectroscopy (and analysis of spectroscopic data).

2005-2010 PhD degree Department of Modeling of Properties of Bio- and Nanostructures at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague.
Dissertation thesis: "Catalytic and Electronic Properties of Redox-Active and Transition-Metal Complexes: Insights from Computational Chemistry", supervised by Dr. L. Rulíšek (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB) AS CR, Prague).
2000-2005 MSc. degree Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague Diploma thesis: "IIa-VIa Diatomics and Their Oligomers: Theoretical Study" supervised by Prof. Rudolf Zahradník (Institute of Physical Chemistry (JH-IPC) AS CR, Prague)


since 2019 head of the Department of Computational Chemistry JH-IPC, AC CR
2013-present researcher at JH-IPC, AS CR
2005-present researcher at IOCB, AS CR (from 2013: 12% part-time job)
2002-2005 technical assistant at IPCH, AS CR

Research experience:
2019 stay in group of Prof. Ryan G. Hadt (Caltech, USA)
2011-2013 postdoctoral stay in the group of Prof. E. I. Solomon (Stanford University, USA); both experimental and theoretical experiences in bioinorganic spectroscopy and reactivity
2011, 2012 beam time in Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, USA
2010 stay in the group of Prof. E. I. Solomon (Stanford University, USA)
2008 stay in the group of Prof. U. Ryde (Lund University, Sweden)
2008 stay in the group of Prof. E. I. Solomon (Stanford University, USA)
2007 European Summerschool in Quantum Chemistry (Sicily)
2004 stay in the group of Prof. J.-M. Lehn (Strasbourg, France)
2004 School in Spectroscopic Methods and Their Applications (JH-IPC, Prague)

Selected Lectures and Invited LecturesConference/seminar organization & guest editing:
2019 Quantum Bioinorganic Chemistry (QBIC-V), Marseille, France (Invited)
2019 Student seminar, Caltech, USA (Invited)
2018 Quantum Bioinorganic Chemistry (QBIC-IV), Bath, UK
2018 7th Japan-CzechoSlovak Symposium of Theoretical Chemistry, Prague, CZ
2017 ACS Meeting, Washington DC, USA (Invited)
2017 ECOSTBio conference, Lisbon Portugal (Invited)
2016 ACS Meeting, San Diego USA (Invited)
2014 Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Nagyborzsony Hungary (Invited)
2013 5th Japan-CzechoSlovak Symposium of Theoretical Chemistry, Nara Japan (Invited)
2009 3rd Japan-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Bratislava (Invited)
2018 Collaborations bridging Physics, Chemistry, and Biology: Dreams and Reality (A joint seminar between IOCB and JH-IPC); co-organized with Prof. P. Španěl.
2018 Guest editor of a special issue of Chemické listy prepared in the occasion of 90th birthday of Prof. Rudolf Zahradník.

Since 2019: A member of master/PhD study board for the program Modeling of chemical properties of nano- and biostructures at Faculty of Science, Charles University.
2019: Lecturer in School on molecular computational biochemistry, Krakow, Poland.
2015-present Faculty of Science, Charles University: Master/PhD course on Computational modeling of chemical reactions and enzymatic catalysis (in English.
2016-present Bachelor course at Charles University “Chemical Structure B” on quantum chemistry and molecular spectroscopy (in Czech).

2009 Scopus Award 2009
2010 Participant of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2010
2014-2018 The J. E. Purkyně Fellowship provided by the Academy of Science CR
2015 O. Wichterle Premium

2015-2017 Junior project supported by Czech Grant Agency: Redox Properties and Reactivities of Nonheme Iron Active Sites.
2018-2020 Senior project supported by Czech Grant Agency: Radical catalysis of enzymatic and biomimetic polynuclear transition-metal active sites.

40 peer-reviewed publications in international journals with more than 607 citations (Scopus; excluding self-citations: 529). H-index 14 (Scopus).

13 representative publications:
Bím D., Srnec M.* et al: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2018, 115, E10287-E10294.
Srnec M.*, Roithová J. et al: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 17053-17057.
Andris E., Srnec M.*, Roithová J. et al.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 2757-2765.
Srnec M.*, Solomon, E. I.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 2396-2407.
Srnec M., Wong S. D., Solomon E. I. et al.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 5110-5122.
Rokob T. A., Srnec M.*, Rulíšek et al.: J. Biol, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 21, 619-644.
Bím D., Rulíšek L., Srnec M.*: J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 7-13.
Chalupský J., Rokob T. A., Rulíšek L., Srnec M.* et al.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 15977-15991.
Wong S. D., Srnec M., Solomon E. I. et al.: Nature 2013, 499, 320. shared first co-authorship.
Solomon E. I., Liu V. L., Light K. M., Srnec, M., Wong, S. D. Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46, 2725.
Srnec M., Wong S. D., Solomon, E. I. et al.: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2012, 109, 14326.
Srnec M., Rokob T.A., Rulíšek L., Solomon, E. I. et al.: Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 2806.
Srnec M., Chalupský J., Kývala M., Rulíšek L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 10947-10954.

* Corresponding or co-corresponding author